User-friendly with suggestions, stock statuses, descriptions, color choices, and much more.
M:AI's AI search engine understands user intent and misspellings. In all languages.
All your products are updated in real-time from your e-commerce site, eliminating any duplicate efforts!
Even your settings and markets are transferred. In all languages and currencies.
Most online stores have an ineffective search. AI has made the built-in search engines even more obsolete.
We at Mesh Nordic have been developing e-commerce platforms for 25 years and are now launching M:AI Search, a genuinely user-friendly AI search engine for ecommerce stores.
Replace your old search function and install a new one that is powerful and efficient. Prioritize the search experience, and your visitors will stay longer. You might also increase the order value and generate more purchases.
Of the visitors go straight to the search bar
Leave the search bar dissatisfied with the on-site search
Abandon the online store without finding relevant products
Offer your online shoppers an amazing search experience. Search for plural keywords, use filters and synonyms, get search suggestions and much more!
M:AI Product Intelligence Engine uses artificial intelligence to help your customers find and discover your products, categories, brands, and content.
The product images are from Shopify's trial store
Before, only tech giants could afford to hand-pick the best-suited ecommerce components.
Now, with Composable Commerce, you can upgrade parts of your online store with AI components. This opens up new possibilities for any size business!
Plug-and-play solutions for the most common ecommerce platforms.
Headless API
Are you running a creative web agency, ecommerce platform, CMS, or SEO company? We're looking for partners who collaborate with e-tailers.
With AI and UX, we change how search and merchandising work. This makes it easier for you to boost your agency's income.