In 2001 we built possibly the first really user friendly ecommerce platform in Sweden. Throughout the years we've gained great understanding of platforms and e-tailers in all industries incl. DTC, B2C and B2B.
In 2021 we sold one of Sweden's larger ecommerce platforms and in 2024 Mesh Nordic AI was launched. Using our 20+ years of tech knowledge, we’ve now built an AI-powered super product search engine, called M:AI.
M:AI helps e-tailers to utilize the power of AI and thereby increasing sales. This is just the beginning for M:AI, much more is to be expected!
Our goal is to revolutionize product search for e-tailers by creating a super fast, super relevant search engine for products.
It also needs to work perfectly with the most common ecommerce platforms.
To reach our goals we only use the latest technology and the intellect of AI, which is unreachable for us humans.
E-tailer's should never have slow financial growth due to a poor search engine.
We believe in making people's everyday life better by not wasting their time on bad search experiences that doesn't find the right products.
Your customers should always get the best possible ecommerce search experience.
That's an impossible task, therefore they will never have time to create a fantastic search experience for their e-tailers.
Truly intelligent product search provides a wonderful search experience and is crucial in any ecommerce solution as it greatly increases sales. It's also complex with both AI technology and GDPR challenges.
Our AI, M:AI, solves that obstacle for the ecommerce platforms, thus relieving them in a very important area, product search and -recommendations, without competing.
CEOFounder of Mesh Nordic AI and massively active in perfecting M:AI platform. Johan have extensive experience in running software companies and building ecommerce platforms that uses SaaS and a high level of automation.
His main focus is helping e-tailers to utilize AI in order to reach a much higher growth. By doing so, e-tailers are able to challenge the big tech giants!
ADDRESSMesh Nordic AI LimitedBox 3090211 65 Malmö, Sweden
ORG. NO.559466-2057
PARENT COMPANYMesh Nordic Holding AB ( 559230-4850)
BANK IBAN SE89 8000 0832 7981 4254 8885