Help customers todiscover your products.


Visitors that actively uses the search in an ecommerce website


How revenue is affected by your product search


How much you can affect your ecommerce conversion rate

Make a big difference in your online storewith powerful AI product search.

Boooost your revenue and conversion rate.

Light up product queries with highlighted words

Light up product queries with highlighted words.

M:AI's product intelligence engine offers product precision at your customers' fingertips.

What your online shoppers miss the most is to get extremely relevant product search results.
M:AI highlights all product texts that matches the search query and understands plural words (stemming). For example, it knows that "shoes" is the plural word of "shoe".

A search experience that understands people

A search experience that understands people.

People often misspell or distract words. Therefore, your on-site search doesn't understand what the customer means.

Autocorrect understands and corrects misspelled words and is supplemented with automatic search suggestions. A perfect match!
You searched for "adida", did you mean "Adidas"?

The AI understands all available languages equally well!

Autocomplete, product filters and modern sorting

Autocomplete, product filters and modern sorting.

Instant search from the first character for products, content, variants, categories and brands.

Autocomplete helps the customer to fill in their keywords, then products can be both sorted and filtered on all kinds of things.

AI synonyms deliver an outstanding product search

AI synonyms deliver an outstanding product search.

Redirect search queries that doesn't display the wanted result to increase sales.

By using machine learning, M:AI's search engine is capable of understanding product context and utilizing both automatic AI-synonyms and manually entered synonyms.
Discontinued products can be redirected and words like "female" can lead to the word "woman", which reduces bounce rate. 

Make data-driven decisions

Make data-driven decisions.

Do you know how often your visitors searches today, and how often they actually find what they're looking for?

Get advanced statistics of the top most searched words, the most common spelling errors and which products and categories are most / least visited.
Grow your sales by understanding visitors' behavior.

Experience what M:AI can do for your ecommerce.

Shoppers’ biggest frustrations
with on-site ecommerce search.


Experience that the searchresults are irrelevant


Get suggestions for productsthat are out of stock


Are missing good search filters


Thinks that the search resulttakes too long to load


Feels that the search enginedoesn't understand them

Nosto e-commerce report Feb 2023.

This is missing in most online stores.

User-friendly search

An intuitive UX that delivers an amazing search experience and extremely relevant results.

Tools that help

Your customers needs help with search suggestions, popular searches, autocomplete.

An AI that understands

Spelling mistakes are corrected, synonyms are displayed and plural words are understood.

Instant search. Zero wait.

By searching from the very first character the search feels alive, with zero loading time.

Sit backand relax.

We take care of the entire AI solution!

We'll design, support and host the search engine, do the necessary settings and installs everything in your existing online store.
As soon as the installation is done your customers can search for your products, variants, categories, brands.
All you need to do is sign up and you'll get a far more intelligent online store!

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